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Mental Health and Being at Home

Mental Health and Being at Home

I am fortunate enough to have been practicing staying at home since December. What most people do not know about me, is, I had taken a leave of absence from work and was off all of January, February, March, and am now teaching from home. This post details my personal mental health struggles, how I ended up creating the “activities of daily living” document and how it helped me create structured days full of productivity and joy. I was in…

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Baking has been pretty therapeutic in the last year and a half. I’ve been experimenting with bread, especially sourdough. I’m going to start highlighting some of those bakes here! The high elevation of Big Bear has given me some challenging bakes. I’ve also been trying to cut back in the dairy department so it’s been fun to experiment with coconut oil and coconut milk. Stay tuned for some bread and pies.

Getting Back On The Horse Post

Getting Back On The Horse Post

I am going to start writing again. So much to write about. Teaching. Brain injuries. Trauma. Addiction. Politics. Shit kids say. Shit parents say. Summer. PTSD. Mental health. Grad school. Investments. Dogs. Friends. Recent travel and future plans. I do not even know where to begin. Part of me wants to rewind all the way back to November to when a devastating event took place. That would fall under the brain injury category as well as the friends category. It…

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Goals For 2017

Goals For 2017

Still working on goals for this year!  Master’s – in progress, coming along nicely Paragliding – check Published Writing – next up Travel – scheduled, June, Norway I haven’t logged in to my site in ages. I did, however, just renew my subscription for my Bluehost account to keep my domain name, so that feels good. The adventure continues.

Weird Times

Weird Times

I have often described life as weird. I have weird friends. (Seriously – skydivers and B.A.S.E. jumpers. Enough said.) I have weird experiences. (Swimming in a lake full of jellyfish, running a marathon in Uganda!) I have weird jobs. (Hooters. Ha! Packing parachutes!) I have weird feelings and beliefs. (I think the pledge of allegiance is fuc*** creepy in a classroom with kids who have no clue what they are saying, and I can’t properly advise them because I think…

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Winter Is Coming!

Winter Is Coming!

The seasons are rapidly changing here in the Balkans. Regardless of where I am in the world, every year around this time I find myself feeling down. It’s a pattern I’ve come to notice so I pretend that it doesn’t catch me off guard, but it always does. One day I’m happy-go-lucky and the next I’m freaking out about what to do with my life! This tends to happen regardless of where I’m living, what I’m doing for work, and…

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Sofia Love

Sofia Love

We spent a week in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was rainy, it’s been getting chilly, and we decided to get out of the van, stay parked, and indulge in a cheap hotel for the week! Now, I say cheap hotel, I don’t mean cheap like shady, hourly rate hotel on the side of a freeway. Everything in Sofia is cheap, and we ended up paying 135 euros for a whole week in a decent hotel! It felt good to have access…

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More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

Fall is here in Sofia, the capitol city of Bulgaria. I haven’t experienced an autumn in 4 years since leaving Minnesota to drive across the country to San Diego, with pit stops along the way. Today as I was thinking about that last fall I experienced, I thought of my friend Caitlin who lived in Bellingham at the time. I stopped by her place on my way to SoCal and we went on some beautiful hikes where we found bright…

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