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Category: International Travel

Heading South!

Heading South!

Friday, July 29, 2016 We love Norway. We love Lysebotn, Norway, to be more specific. We’ve gone to Lysebotn 3 years in a row now, and this year we thought we’d be staying a lot longer than we did. Lysebotn is breathtakingly beautiful, especially when the weather cooperates! We decided to leave Lysebotn earlier than planned for a couple of reasons, but the main reason being weather, followed by we could! We are mobile! We were experiencing a lot of…

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First Post!!!

First Post!!!

After being in Europe for 3 weeks, I am finally getting around to writing our first post! Yay me! I am new at this blogging and building a website thing so take it easy on me! I’ve decided to go this route because we have many friends and family who are not on other social media outlets and would still like to follow our adventure, or rather, our Unbounded Odyssey! I also thought I would set up our site as…

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