Southern Albania Entertainment

Southern Albania Entertainment

I left off when we were staying at an awesome little hotel in Dhermi on Friday evening. I need to write a little bit more about our stay because we really picked a good hotel! It was more of a boutique hotel/ bed and breakfast, as we were served breakfast the next morning. The Augustus Hotel is owned and run by a family of 4 and they went above and beyond to make sure we were comfortable. As we were…

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Albania – The Up-And-Coming Destination

Albania – The Up-And-Coming Destination

We ended our time (for now) in Croatia at a little campground south of Dubrovnik. We were parked under kiwi trees and grape vines and the property was filled with orange trees, clementine trees, and lime trees. It was probably my favorite campground so far as it had a beautiful property, a beach across the street, free internet, hot showers, and places to plug in our devices. Those last ones are my 3 must-haves when we decide to splurge on…

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Traveling Ups and Downs and Dubrovnik

Traveling Ups and Downs and Dubrovnik

I know I said it in a previous post, but we’re not that good at touring cities. One marvelous, ancient church or museum tends to look like the other 20 marvelous ancient churches and museums nearby. Yes, the architecture is fascinating – especially considering the times during which they were built. But all that aside, when we’re living in a van not making any money (purposely!), touring cities can be a bit intimidating cost wise. While on this adventure, we’ve…

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As I write this we are currently at a restaurant in Bosnia! Country number 14 for Bella! This is our first restaurant meal in a couple of weeks, so it’s extra exciting. We came here for the wifi, but decided to eat while we drink and use free internet! 🙂 We both ended up with a seafood risotto.**I was going to add a bunch of pictures to this post, but it will have to wait as the internet here isn’t…

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The Risk Muscle

The Risk Muscle

“Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day.” – Roger Von Oech Monday, September 12, 2016 I thought about it while I hiked and decided, it’s time I go last. It made me nervous thinking about it. I should try this new thing, though. I don’t need a hand to hold! I’m a big girl and I know…

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August – Here and Gone

August – Here and Gone

August August was a deadly month in the BASE jumping community. The deadliest in the history of BASE jumping – since the 1980’s. From beginners to the extremely experienced, there was a period in time where every other day we were hearing of someone else dying, sometimes 2 or 3 on the deadliest day. BASE jumping is dangerous and everybody has their own different personal reasons for jumping. I’ll write about my reasons another time and Dustin will write about…

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Heading South!

Heading South!

Friday, July 29, 2016 We love Norway. We love Lysebotn, Norway, to be more specific. We’ve gone to Lysebotn 3 years in a row now, and this year we thought we’d be staying a lot longer than we did. Lysebotn is breathtakingly beautiful, especially when the weather cooperates! We decided to leave Lysebotn earlier than planned for a couple of reasons, but the main reason being weather, followed by we could! We are mobile! We were experiencing a lot of…

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First Post!!!

First Post!!!

After being in Europe for 3 weeks, I am finally getting around to writing our first post! Yay me! I am new at this blogging and building a website thing so take it easy on me! I’ve decided to go this route because we have many friends and family who are not on other social media outlets and would still like to follow our adventure, or rather, our Unbounded Odyssey! I also thought I would set up our site as…

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