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Tag: dog travel

Weird Times

Weird Times

I have often described life as weird. I have weird friends. (Seriously – skydivers and B.A.S.E. jumpers. Enough said.) I have weird experiences. (Swimming in a lake full of jellyfish, running a marathon in Uganda!) I have weird jobs. (Hooters. Ha! Packing parachutes!) I have weird feelings and beliefs. (I think the pledge of allegiance is fuc*** creepy in a classroom with kids who have no clue what they are saying, and I can’t properly advise them because I think…

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First Post!!!

First Post!!!

After being in Europe for 3 weeks, I am finally getting around to writing our first post! Yay me! I am new at this blogging and building a website thing so take it easy on me! I’ve decided to go this route because we have many friends and family who are not on other social media outlets and would still like to follow our adventure, or rather, our Unbounded Odyssey! I also thought I would set up our site as…

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