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Tag: education

Weird Times

Weird Times

I have often described life as weird. I have weird friends. (Seriously – skydivers and B.A.S.E. jumpers. Enough said.) I have weird experiences. (Swimming in a lake full of jellyfish, running a marathon in Uganda!) I have weird jobs. (Hooters. Ha! Packing parachutes!) I have weird feelings and beliefs. (I think the pledge of allegiance is fuc*** creepy in a classroom with kids who have no clue what they are saying, and I can’t properly advise them because I think…

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Winter Is Coming!

Winter Is Coming!

The seasons are rapidly changing here in the Balkans. Regardless of where I am in the world, every year around this time I find myself feeling down. It’s a pattern I’ve come to notice so I pretend that it doesn’t catch me off guard, but it always does. One day I’m happy-go-lucky and the next I’m freaking out about what to do with my life! This tends to happen regardless of where I’m living, what I’m doing for work, and…

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