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Tag: homesick

Weird Times

Weird Times

I have often described life as weird. I have weird friends. (Seriously – skydivers and B.A.S.E. jumpers. Enough said.) I have weird experiences. (Swimming in a lake full of jellyfish, running a marathon in Uganda!) I have weird jobs. (Hooters. Ha! Packing parachutes!) I have weird feelings and beliefs. (I think the pledge of allegiance is fuc*** creepy in a classroom with kids who have no clue what they are saying, and I can’t properly advise them because I think…

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More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

Fall is here in Sofia, the capitol city of Bulgaria. I haven’t experienced an autumn in 4 years since leaving Minnesota to drive across the country to San Diego, with pit stops along the way. Today as I was thinking about that last fall I experienced, I thought of my friend Caitlin who lived in Bellingham at the time. I stopped by her place on my way to SoCal and we went on some beautiful hikes where we found bright…

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