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Tag: USDA stamp

Weird Times

Weird Times

I have often described life as weird. I have weird friends. (Seriously – skydivers and B.A.S.E. jumpers. Enough said.) I have weird experiences. (Swimming in a lake full of jellyfish, running a marathon in Uganda!) I have weird jobs. (Hooters. Ha! Packing parachutes!) I have weird feelings and beliefs. (I think the pledge of allegiance is fuc*** creepy in a classroom with kids who have no clue what they are saying, and I can’t properly advise them because I think…

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Traveling Dog Stuff

Traveling Dog Stuff

Follow Bella’s adventures on Instagram @unleashedodyssey Note: When we decided we were going to make this move, leaving Bella behind was not going to be an option. Do a quick search on, “How to bring a dog to Germany from the US” and you’ll be bombarded with contradicting information, deadlines, and requirements. This is only our experience with getting the paperwork done for bringing Bella to Germany from the United States. This is full of my own opinions/conclusions, and our…

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